Tulsa King, created by Taylor Sheridan, stars Sylvester Stallone in his first major television role as Dwight “The General” Manfredi, a New York mafia capo who, after serving 25 years...
Within its five minute runtime, "Phantom Island" weaves an odyssey of sonic and sensory ecstasy around a vision of topical (and tropical) madness in a way that's immediately exciting, endlessly compelling, and, ultimately, highly listenable. King Gizzard haven proven once again that there is no aural territory on which they're unable to plant their own indelible mark, and that not even the might of a full orchestra can drown out a sound that's quintessentially Gizz.
While the original "Love Insurrection" was in and of itself a trippy, funky feather in Primal Scream's cap, Black Science Orchestra's take is a welcome, nostalgic trip back to the sounds that brought both artists to the fore. More than that, it's also proof that regardless of disparities in time or genre, there's something irresistible at the core of Primal Scream's sound that is immediately and distinctly theirs from iteration to iteration.
Joey Wit’s ROSE GOLD arrives like a shot in the arm for the indie/alt rock rock scene, blending introspection with the kind of kinetic energy that’s destined to leave a mark. If you are a fan of Silversun Pickups, The Stone Roses, or Oasis, this album is for you.
Music News
Earlier this week, Vancouver-based Indie darlings Peach Pit dropped their new track "Magpie" in advance of its eagerly anticipated, similarly titled parent album. Magpie's October 25th release will be the band's most recent since 2022's From 2 to 3, with this titular single being their first musical offering since that album's "Vicky." "Magpie" sees Peach Pit - who have previously characterized their music as "chewed bubblegum pop" - coloring their trademark aesthetics with layers of rich harmonic fuzz. No pun intended.
Tantalizingly groovy, tastefully multi-cultural and, ultimately evoking a sense of effortless calm - not stillness, but utter calm - "Peaceful Place" is the type of song where the mere act of listening refreshes in the same way a deep breath of fresh air does.
Stung!, like most of the band's repertoire, is an trippy blend of a myriad of musical elements, but "Neon City" is classic, raw Pond. One can hear in it everything that makes the group and its various sister-acts great.
PA-based indie rock outfit Sun Not Yellow has made a habit of applying their own distinct sensibilities to a wide array of styles since their 2017 inception, and their latest single "Younger Me" is a perfect microcosm of that melting pot mentality. This latest offering sees the group adding Dawes-esque folk rock to their genre grab-bag, organically touched with the idiosyncrasies that make the group stick out from a multitude of others operating in that same, heavily saturated sphere.
Clairo has been a staple in the indie pop scene ever since, from the eclectic ear-candy of her 2019 debut Immunity to the more intimate, Sufjan Steven-style baroque pop of 2021's Sling. Now "Sexy to Someone" sees her making use of the best elements of all these past chapters, synthesizing parts of each into a unique new whole.
Asian Dub Foundation are known for their eclectic, genre-bending brand of electronic music combining everything from dancehall to raga, and are no strangers to the gritty, guitar-driven aesthetics of punk rock. That said, a collaboration with the Godfather of Punk himself definitely dials that influence up to an entirely different level.