Photo of Eenae and John Eye in screenshot from 'Ride' video

John Eye’s ‘Ride’ Music Video


Photo of Eenae and John Eye in screenshot from 'Ride' videoThe wait is finally over! John Eye‘s music video for ‘Ride‘ off of his ‘cannonicus 3.14‘ album is finally available for your listening and viewing pleasure. The video is an illustration of the duality that exists inside of everyone. Which side prevails and gets presented to the world is the side of you that you feed the most.

Green Imaging did an incredible job shooting the video; Stop Staring provided that awesome red dress!; Seevon for did make up; and Pam for Assassin costume design (everyone loves those red gloves!)

Click  to see other music videos or to hear/purchase other songs by John Eye. Support your musicians. Don’t pirate their hard work!

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