Guys: If we’re lucky, we will all grow old. If we’re even luckier, we’ll age with style while maintaining our dignity and masculinity. Age will definitely show on our faces. It is GOING to happen. The primary factor will of course be genetics. There’s no way to turn back the clock, but you can slow it down without surgery. …and let’s face it: elective cosmetic surgery on men RARELY looks good. Men’s skin care is not at the front of our minds, and definitely not marketed to us as prolifically as to women, but aging gracefully is not exclusive to the “fairer sex”.
We as men are fortunate in that “character lines” are acceptable. However, you can hang on to what you’ve got without looking like one of your great aunts. I suggest you adopt my simple recipe called “The Seven Layer Face” to maintain your mug. It’s nothing super-complex.
HONEST DISCLOSURE: In this article, I mention products I use by name. I encourage you to seek out products that work for YOU. I’ve been using mostly ORIGINS products since I was 18 with seemingly positive results. Not because they pay me, because they are plant-derived and the scent is very light & clean. It’s also gender neutral (not flowery or giving you the Axe effect). There is nothing worse than overpowering fragrance in men’s skin care products.
1. HYDRATE — You should drink plenty of water throughout the day. This is the oldest, simplest piece of advice in the book. If you’re a drinker, alternate your drinks with a glass of water. Juice doesn’t count, it’s full of sugar and calories.
2. NUTRIFY — There is no way your current diet (or lack thereof) guarantees you’re getting all the necessary nutrients. Theoretically, your body repairs itself while you sleep. Take a multi-vitamin WITH DINNER. This gives your body a surplus of vitamins to utilize while it’s conducting repairs. Additional supplements to look at: Vitamin D, Biotin (for hair), and anti-oxidants (if you notice any acne break outs, reduce the dosage).
3. CLEANSE — Good Skin starts with clean skin. Your face is dirty by the end of the day. Every night I clean my face BEFORE GOING TO BED. If you’ve got a beard, you should wash it too. Use what you prefer, but here are the products I use (in varying cycles):
BODY SHOP Tea Tree (Facial Wash)
BODY SHOP Tea Tree Exfoliating Wash 3.3 fl oz
NEUTROGENA Oil Free Acne Wash – Foaming Scrub
NEUTROGENA Oil Free Acne Wash – Cream Cleanser
NEUTROGENA Clear Pore (Astringent)
CLEARASIL (or any acne cream)
4. SHAVE — The same products are used as my shaving regimen. Use the scrub first to get rid of dead skin and “wake up” the hairs. The Cream Cleanser is used as a shave cream. Many mainstream shave creams have propellants in them which cause many guys to break out. Also, I still get acne. This product not only lacks propellants, but has anti-acne medication…how can you lose? Either the Tea Tree or Cream Cleanser are fine for daily cleansing.
5. TONE — A light hydrating treatment. spread a liberal amount all over face, around eyes, & under chin. Different toners are designed for different skin types. I purposely choose ones for preventing/reducing aging & lines. I bounce between ORIGINS A Perfect World, Make a Difference
, and Purifying Tonic
. You may want to vary products & their quantities depending on your skin.
6. EYES — With age, we’re all going to eventually suffer from crows feet, or bags, or dark circles. The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of your face. Use serums and creams specifically designed for the eye area. Still, avoid getting anything IN your eyes. Gently apply a small amount all around eyes, the “bags” area, the outer edge (where crows’ feet form) and up to eyebrows. You should NEVER rub the eye area harshly. I bounce between ORIGINS A Perfect World for Eyes, Eye Doctor and Plantscription
. ORIGINS makes other products to combat dark circles (GinZing), puffy eyes (ORIGINS No Puffery), or smile lines (Line Chaser)
7. FACE — Same deal here. Spread a small amount all over face, & under chin. no need to use around eyes — that’s what eye cream is for. I use ORIGINS A Perfect World; both the protectant serum and the moisturizer
Of course you should quit smoking and avoid excessive exposure to sunlight as well. Trust me, the actual execution of these steps takes WAY less time than reading this post. I kept it simple to avoid it becoming a full-on day spa treatment. Incorporate these quick steps into your daily routine. They can help you maintain a healthy, younger looking face longer in life. Most of us only get one face. Save it! REMEMBER: When it comes to men’s skin care, there is only mainenance, there is NO repair.