One Degree of Separation from Kevin Bacon, Nevermore.
The last time I saw Kevin Bacon was not on television or a movie, but walking by himself up Boylston Street in Boston, Massachusetts. I was walking in the opposite direction and did a double take in my head with a smile about who I just passed by. It is nice to see him back on screen again in Fox’s new crime drama tv show The Following, where he plays an ex-FBI agent, Ryan Hardy, who gets called back to capture a serial-killer, Joe Carroll, he had put in jail years before, played by James Purefoy (he played Marc Antony in the Rome series). Joe was a charismatic, handsome English teacher who mutilated young women and gouged out their eyes stylizing his killings on his admiration of the stories of Edgar Allen Poe. Picture a tall dark and handsome intelligent sociopath not unlike Hannibal Lector, just without the cannibalism.
What is so creepy and captivating about this show is it revolves around the lengths serial killer groupies will go for their idol by taking direction from them via technology and doing their bidding from the outside, while the serial killer sits out their time in prison. In one scene, a woman gets naked in the middle of an area full of police, reveals the writings of Edgar Allan Poe all over her body, then proceeds to drive a screwdriver, ice pick, or something long and sharp, right into her eye! All because Joe sent her a text message that said, “Do it now.” Or something to that effect.
The Following is also very chilling in that characters you are set up to think are good, have just been planted there by Joe Carroll and are just waiting for direction from their master. This all just in the first episode! I have yet to watch the second episode. I need to give my brain a little break from all of the gore and psychological drama The Following offers, yet this is what makes this show so intriguing.