It really sucks when you get into a fender bender and your once nice car that you take really good care of is now marred. The next problem is where do you take it? If you’re in the Allston/Brighton, MA area Glenville Terrace Auto Body and Repair will make your car look like nothing happened. They made my friend’s Saab look beauteous after it got into a minor accident.
After the accident the front grill was cracked and the headlight needed to be replaced. The entire front piece had to be changed and the headlight was possibly going to take a few months to get to the shop. When the car was ready to be picked up my friend was really sick so couldn’t go himself. I offered to get it with specific instructions to make sure I checked that the paint matched. Uh. Ok. It’s a black car. Why wouldn’t the paint match?
So I get to Glenville Terrace Auto Body and Repair and while the paperwork was getting ready I inspected the car sitting outside of the shop. Most of it was hidden in shadow but there was some sunlight hitting the old and new part of the car. Black is black right? Wrong. Upon closer inspection I noticed the old paint had sparkly specks in it. The new paint was just black. I thought it was just a bumper thing. So I got out my trusty LED flashlight and headed to the back bumper. Sure enough there were sparkly specks on the back bumper. So the whole car should be covered in this special black paint.
Rodrigo was the guy who worked on the car initally so when he came out with the paperwork and explained to me about the backorder of the headlight I mentioned the paint mismatching issue. He looked at the colors of the hood and bumper and noticed right away that something was wrong. I guess word passed quickly in the shop because Barry, the owner, came out to also inspect it. He noticed the mistake and was very quick to apologize for the oversight and agreed to have it rectified when the car was brought back to have the headlight installed. I told him it was understandable. Black was black and it’s a busy place. He countered that it should not have happened regardless. Later on, Rodrigo came back and said that him and Barry would also repaint another section of the bumper from the original kit that was not part of the accident for free since it was scuffed up. That was very nice of them to offer that.
The headlight ended up coming in earlier than expected. When the job was done we were told that the car was ready to be picked up. We got there a little after closing time and didn’t have a chance to drop off the rental before. Barry requested the keys and told us they would take the rental back for us. Wow. Really? Who does that anymore?! 🙂
We inspected the car and it looked brand new! The paint matched perfectly, sparkles and all. And the scuff marks on the bumper kit was painted just as promised. Barry even gave us an additional discount off the invoice for incidentals. It was an unexpected, but appreciated, bonus. When we got into the car they had even detailed the inside completely! It smelled so fresh and the seats were so clean my butt slid off the seat!
I must say this personal experience made me think that not ALL CAR people are bad. There are some good ones out there that aren’t going to gouge you for your last penny and genuinely want to provide good quality customer service. But they are very hard to find so when you do, keep them! If anything bad happens to my car I will definitely bring it to Barry and his crew at Glenville Terrace Auto Body and Repair.
Thanks guys for the good work and great customer service!
E-Rating (1-Meh, 5 – Eenae Endorsed): EEEEE
It’s too bad my brother didn’t take his Benz there. I can hear all you men wincing in pain. Me? I just laughed at him when I saw it. Yeah, I’m pretty evil. LOL!